Trainee and mentor. An insight into the unique ‘interaction’ during a Group Traineeship at bpost.

The worlds of bpost

Stien & Wim
Stien & Wim

Trainee and mentor. An insight into the unique ‘interaction’ during a Group Traineeship at bpost.

When we catch Stien Reyntjens and Wim Vermeiren for an interview, it's already late. Stien is still at the bpost offices in Borsbeek, while it's Wim’s last day before he leaves on vacation. But that’s not a problem, for as Wim tells us later: “We work hard here, and sometimes until late. But that’s just because we love what we do!” These are exciting times for both of them: Stien is in the middle of her traineeship, while Wim has been a mentor for the first time.


Stien, tell me: what does a ‘Group Traineeship’ at bpost entail?

Stien Reyntjens: “I started in September 2021 and am now half-way through a two-year trajectory of three eight-month projects, each time in a different business unit. The first one was in Sales Solutions at headquarters; now I am active in the office network and doing all kinds of jobs in the field.”


And how did you end up here?

Stien: “I graduated in 2020 right in the middle of Covid. Because I didn’t find a suitable job right away, I had started – out of sheer misery – as a contact tracer, but I like to forget that (laughs). Then I joined bpost as a parcel delivery driver. And I got to know bpost, the company, in a positive way, and I went for this Group Traineeship. And after the selection I was able to start at bpost.”


Are there any jobs you would still like to do? Or do you already have a concrete long-term ambition?

Stien: “I particularly like the variety. In my first project I had to work things out strategically, now I can look at things in practice and see that it’s not always so obvious. My last project starts next February, at Landmark Global, an entity of bpostgroup that does international e-commerce. I’m looking forward to that! Where I eventually want to end up I don't know yet, but within bpost I will definitely find something.”

“It’s tough to make a decision: so I make a note of what I thought was good or bad about each project, and will try and identify the best option.”


Wim Vermeiren adds: “That’s the cool thing: you can go from very local positions as an office holder in Antwerp to international. Few people know what they want to do after university. Here you can go very broad, for example from accounting to exchanges overseas.”


Tell us something about your mentor Stien. How does Wim help you? Do you sometimes disagree?

Stien: “In my first project I mainly had to find solutions. If I didn’t know who to contact or got stuck – or even if I just had a down day – I could tell Wim. This was great especially when you weren’t allowed to go to the office or at most just one day a week, and I didn’t know anyone yet. We don’t really have discussions, it’s more like thinking along. Wim helps, suggests solutions ... as within my current position, I also have a contact for practical things.”

Wim: “More than in other organizations, people help each other here.”


Is that also your experience Stien? How is the cooperation between you and your colleagues?

Stien: “As a trainee, you are really accepted as a full member of the team and your suggestions are received positively. People look up to us and invest time in us. There is also a good atmosphere at the company. As part of my current project I now work in a different Post Office every week, which beforehand I was afraid to do. But the colleagues are super cool and no matter how busy they are: they are always happy to make time for you!”

Wim (laughs): “The roles are rather reversed: we do our best and hope the trainees pick our projects.”

“At bpost you’re not squeezed like a lemon either: you get good coaching and good pay.”


Wim, what is your job at bpost and why did you want to become a mentor?

Wim: “Mmmm, I think ‘mentor’ is a big word. Actually, you just help people find their way in a huge organization where you could otherwise get lost. I also have nothing to do with Stien’s actual projects. My position is Director of Projects and Implementations at Mail & Parcel Operations. I always say: it’s the most important branch of bpost (laughs). It’s also where I have the coolest job of all, because I get to do so many projects. I’m in operations, while Stien is on the commercial side. That you are able to help someone outside your department makes for a very different relationship.”

“Especially with corona, I found it important to mentor young people, because you didn’t see each other physically. As it’s crucial that we attract young talent, I was happy to lend a hand in this regard.”


How do you mentor Stien in her day-to-day work? Does she often come to you for advice?

Wim: “As I said, my role is mainly supportive. I make sure she feels comfortable in a large company with a difficult structure. I try to make it clear that your network is vitally important to make things work: our people are very loyal and usually have a lot of seniority, so everybody knows each other. So for certain things I can refer her directly to the right person.”

Stien: “Wim really wants me to feel good within the company. When he had a team day with his own team, he immediately invited me too. And when I participated in the World Games Korfball in America, he followed suit!”

“That’s also a tradition at bpost: a lot is done to bring people together, even outside of work.”
Stien & Wim


Finally, why should young people choose a career at bpost? And why did you make that choice yourself Wim?

Wim: “I've been here four years now and before that worked for a big American company. A huge difference! I don’t know any other company that so consistently pursues its values: bpost wants to do real good for people, the environment, society and employment ... And at the same time it is both a Belgian and international company that is active in many fields: here people can learn an incredible amount and really discover what they enjoy doing!”


If you would you like to read another trainee story, then be sure to read our interview with Group Trainee Marco Verheuge.