Let's meet up

Job event Mailmen Huizingen
May 28, 2021 | 00:00
We are looking for postmen/postwomen in the region of Halle, Beersel and St-Pieters-Leeuw. Are you interested?
Come and find out at our job event in Huizingen. For a meeting and a guided tour with your team leader. And a speed date with our interim partner. You'll soon know whether bpost and the job are a good fit for you.
Like an early start? Hold a B driving licence and have basic knowledge of Dutch? Sign up for the job event in Huizingen on 28 May below. We will give you more information about the exact time and location later.
The safety of you and our employees is of high importance to us. We therefore take the necessary measures to ensure that the job days run safely.